Personal Information & Details

The Personal Information & Details page is used for modifying the logged in client details. The client details will not be available for any modify, when using the client card in Hyper.

The url of this page is: DOMAIN/Personal.

Personal Information and Details

Web Page Structure

The following three sections (forms) are available in this webpage:

Personal Information

The header of this section is defined as Static Text Element (HTML code editor) content Personal_Details_Header_1033. Please note - It is recommended to include the H1 tag of html, for the title of the Web Page Header content.

The data fields in this section are displayed according to the definitions of the Fields Matrix. The values of the information fields, including the "I Agree to receive Information by Email Check Box, are received from the registered client Hyper card.

Change Password

The header of this section is defined as Static Text Element content Change_Site_Password_Header_1033.

The following mandatory fields are displayed in this section, as default:

  • Current Password
  • New Password
  • Confirm Password
In any forex web site with a defined Default TP Data Source (in the Main Configuration file), the "Change Trading Platform Password as well" Check Box will be displayed.

Update Information Button

When pressing this button, the client details will be modified, according to the following process:

  1. A new record will be added to the "Website Usage Log" table.
  2. According to the Fields Matrix definitions, the system verifies that the mandatory fields have been filled out, and displays an error message next to the missing fields.
  3. Email Address - The system checks whether the Email address is valid.
  4. Phone Number - The system checks the phone number and verifies that it includes only digits and has a length of 7-13 chars.
  5. If all of the above tests are approved, the modifications will be saved to the client card according to the following optional results:
    • Failure - an error message will be displayed.
    • Success - a confirmation message will be displayed.
    • No modification - If no actual modification was done, no message will be displayed.
Please note - only the defined fields in the "Fields Matrix" will be modified.

Change Password Button

When pressing the button, the following process will be executed:

  1. The system verifies that the required three fields have been filled out.
  2. The system checks if the Current Password is correct and matches the actual current password of the user. An error message will be displayed for wrong password.
  3. Password strength. the system checks the new password strength. It verifies that the password has a minimum length of 6 chars and that it includes at least 2 digits and 3 English letters (lowercase or uppercase).
  4. The system checks whether the "New Password" field and the "Confirm Password" field are identical. An error message will be displayed if the passwords are not identical.
  5. Duplicated Password. If there are multiple accounts for the user, the system verifies that the new password does not match any other exist password of the same Email address. If the new password matches any other account password, an error message will be displayed.
  6. A new record will be added to the "Website Usage Log" table.
  7. Change Trading Platform Password command. According to the "Change Trading Platform Password as well" check box, a new command of "Modify Real Password" will be added to the Trading System Commands" table. The system sends a request to the Trading platform automation, to execute the password modification, and display a message that the request was sent.
  8. A confirmation email is sent to the client. An Email content Password_Change_Email_1033 will be sent to the main client email address.
  9. Relogin. A confirmation Message for changing the password will be displayed. The user will be automatically logged out, and will be asked to login again with the new password.
  10. Automation confirmation Email. An Email message will be sent by the automation, for the executed command of the trading system. The Email Content Modify_Real_Password_1033 will be sent to the main client email address. An automatic agency symbol will be appended to the content ID.

Content Management in Hyper

Build this content in Hyper's Static Text Element tool, using the HTML editor. To learn more click here.
Purpose Content ID Available Fields
The title for the Personal Information & Details page. Personal_Details_Header_1033 None
The title of the Change Password section. Change_Site_Password_Header_1033 None
A confirmation Email message for changing the password. Password_Change_Email_1033 This message can include the following fields:
  • Client full name (in the local language). If the name was typed in English, then this name will be displayed in the message.
    {#Client_Full_name} {#Eng_Client_Full_Name}
  • EMail address. {#Email}
  • Login Password. {#Password}


If you wish to build and use your own html, and work with a "Server 2 Server API", the following API are available for each of this web page sections:

  • Personal Information & Details API - for further information click here.
  • Change Password API - for further information click here.