Change Password API

This is the API of the Change Password section of the Personal Information & Details page. Use http post to pass the fields into the function. Response returned as json string. In order to use the API, call the DOMAIN/Change_Site_Password_json url.

Function Input

Field Name Description
CurrentPassword The current password of the user.
NewPassword The new required password for the user.
TP_Pass_cb Post 'Yes' as the value of this field, to change the trading platform password. This field is used instead of the displayed "Change Trading Platform Password as well" Check Box, of this section.

Functions Error Messages

Response Code Message in English
3 API function does not exists.
4 Database Error on server side.
5 Technical Error on server side.
6 Technical Error: Client Session not found.
7 Please fill up all the required fields.
11 Current Password is wrong. Please try again.
13 Your Password is not strong enough (At least 3 digits and 3 letters).
14 Same EMail and Password Already Exists on a different account.

Differences between the API behavior and the HTML form

  • The HTML form, automatically logout the session and tell the user to login again with the new password. The API keep the session.
  • There are different APIs for each of the Personal Information & Details sections (forms).
  • The TP_Pass_cb field is used instead of the "Change Trading Platform Password as well" Check Box, of this section.

Message Examples

For successful transaction, the following message will be received:
If any error occurs, the following message format will be received:
{"ResponseCode":"014","ResponseMsgEng":"Same EMail and Password Already Exists on a different account."}